Bad Credit Mortgage Articles

Home Mortgage Loans Bad Credit

Home Mortgage Loans For People With Bad Credit Get home mortgage loans even with bad credit! If you have a credit score above 650, at least 20 percent of the purchase price to put down and a steady income history, getting a mortgage is fairly easy. You'll get the best rates ...
Bad Credit Mortgage Loan Lenders

Mortgages for Bad Credit: What Has Changed in 2025?

The reality for the vast majority of Canadians is that if you want to buy a home, you’re going to have to take out a mortgage. At least when it comes to purchasing a first home, most Canadians don’t have the cash on hand to pay for a house without ...

Bad Credit Mortgage Repair

How to Build Credit With Bad or No Credit When it comes to Bad Credit Mortgage Repair and qualifying for a mortgage, there are three essential components: a down payment, an acceptable credit score, and a verifiable income history that shows you can manage the obligation over time. Setting aside ...

Mortgage Financing With Bad Credit

How to Get Mortgage Financing if you have Bad Credit A couple years ago, Jim was a successful regional operations manager for a major restaurant company based in Vancouver. He was bringing home $750,000 a year, and he and his wife bought a lovely home, using a bonus to make ...
Mortgage After Bankruptcy

The 5 Bankruptcy Outcomes / Discharges

After you have worked your way through your bankruptcy, the last step is discharge – the elimination of any remaining obligations for debts that your bankruptcy covers. Automatic discharges without court hearings are the most common outcome. If this happens in your case, your trustee sends the discharge papers to ...
Mortgage With Bad Credit

Refinancing a Mortgage with Bad Credit

With the hope that mortgage interest rates will gradually starting to decrease, many borrowers in Canada are looking to refinance their loans and take advantage of the rate reduction. When your credit is less than ideal, though, refinancing can be more difficult. Also, not all refinance decisions are based on ...

Easy Mortgage Financing Bad Credit

A credit score of 580 means different things, depending on the person behind the score. It can mean a person who currently has his credit cards maxed out and who has fallen a couple of payments behind on them. He's probably a month or two behind on his car payments ...
Refinance Your Mortgage with Bad Credit in Alberta

Refinance Your Mortgage with Bad Credit in Alberta

Table of Contents You can refinance your mortgage even if you have a low credit score. And if you have bad credit, there are various refinancing options to explore. Here's what you should know if you have bad ...

How To Find Bad Credit Mortgage Loan Lenders

This article discusses how Bad Credit Mortgage Lenders can help in a poor credit mortgage situation. If you watch television commercials for credit score reporting companies like Freescore, you might think that you can't accomplish any of your goals in life if you don't have the right kind of credit. You won't ...

Very Bad Credit Mortgage

Back before the housing collapse of 2007 and 2008, getting a home loan was a lot easier to get a very bad credit mortgage as Lenders were flexible when it came to credit score and income verification. They were more interested in taking advantage of a burgeoning market in real ...

How to Get a Mortgage with Bad Credit

Bad Credit Mortgage Loan Lenders In Canada

Bad Credit Mortgage Loan Lenders In Canada Bad Credit Mortgage Loan Lenders In Canada The Ins And Outs Of How To Get A Mortgage With Bad Credit Are you a Canadian in need of a Bad Credit, Low Credit or a Private Mortgage Loan Lender? Are Banks and Brokers saying no ...